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Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom


Professional Development Opportunities

Since 1996, Massachusetts Agriculture in the Classroom has offered more than 260 workshops on farms across the state bringing on-farm education experiences to more than 3,000 educators.

Each session offers an in-depth educational overview of one aspect of agriculture with related hands-on activities that helped teachers take agriculture back to their classrooms. Each workshop also includes a farm tour and the opportunity to meet the farmer and learn about work that goes on at the farm. Ten professional development points are offered to teachers for each of the workshops, when they take what they learn back to the classroom and carry out an activity with their students and then send a report.

We plan to continue virtual workshops of 1-1.5 hours, FREE.
When appropriate, we will have outdoor farm based on site workshops with opportunity for 10 PDP's.

2024 MAC Workshop

On the Road to the Farm - Traveling Conference for Teachers
August 21, 2024
8 am - 4 pm
Cost: $35

Join us for a full day of professional development. Hop on the bus and visit 3 difference farms. Work with farmers and fellow teachers to build engaging lessons you can use in your classroom next school year. Open to all teachers PreK-12 grades. 10 PDPS available. Round trip transportation from Acton, breakfast, and lunch included. Register by August 1, 2024

Workshops provided with funding from: